• Creation

    The idea behind Plap is that you can, from the comfort of your phone and couch, conceive an event idea, go on Plap, click on the create button, fill in the details, hit create button and voila, you have successfully created an event.

  • Management

    After creating an event, it becomes apparent as the event creator, you would need to manage your event. We provide you with the necessary tools to successfully manage event. Including but not limited to providing analytics so you can see how your event is performing (ticket sales, engagement, e.t.c), approved attendees, and the ability to invite people or share your event to a wider audience.

  • Publicity

    An average user of Plap is interested in attending events. Once your event is created, it goes to the timeline and would reach the intended audience who also have the ability to share your event to their own networks. The only catch here is that during creation, your event privacy is set to 'public'. This is because 'private' events are only visible to people you invite or share the event link with.

  • Service

    Event service providers are a hugely important part of the event ecosystem. Services could include photography, graphic design, security, logistics, transportation, event planning, e.t.c. We are developing a hub for these services and providers that allows you as a creator be able to seamlessly include services your event might need as you create your events.

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Who We Are

Plap is not just an event management tool, it is a hub. It is the connection between event creators and event goers. A place to showcase yourself as an event service provider. It is the people...and we are the guardians.

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